Windows Media and Microsoft Netshow streaming video encoding
Windows Media (formerly Microsoft NetShow) Streaming Video For Websites & Corporate Intranets

Microsoft NetShow, or Windows Media as Microsoft now calls it, can allow you to stream video on demand and across the Web or a Corporate Intranet. For purposes of our discussion of Widnows Media, our focus is on how we can enable you to add streaming video to your website easily and inexpensively using the Windows Media format. We are Windows Media producers and can handle any Windows Media - Microsoft NetShow encoding job.

Making Windows Media - Microsoft NetShow Streaming Video Inexpensive And Easy To Use

Gaining the benefits of broadcast media on your website or Corporate Intranet can be as easy and inexpensive as your like, or more difficult and expensive than you ever imagined. If you choose CyberTech as your Windows Media - Microsoft NetShow producer, we make the process simple and as inexpensive as $40 per video clip you have us digitize. Unless you have the need for hundreds or thousands of video clips to be digitized each and every year, your investment in new equipment and product training will exceed $10,000 per year if you'd like to produce streaming video on your own.

easy.gif (3532 bytes)When we handle your streaming video, you will receive:

  • Choice of formats - Streaming video encoded in your choice of Windows Media, Real Video, or Flash Video format.
  • Choice of server preference - Your video will be encoded to stream either with or without video server software.This means you can use your existing web server.
  • Choice of delivery speeds - Video can be encoded to be delivered at 28.8, 56K, ISDN, T-1, broadband or over a LAN. If you'll be using server software, we can also encode your video using adaptive rate or Surestream technology.
  • Choice of movie size - You pick the how large you want your movie to look.
  • Complete HTML code - We totally eliminate your learning curve by providing you with the complete code to paste right into your pages for instant streaming video.
  • Fast service - On most projects, we can furnish you with your completed digitized video within 48 hours regardless of your geographic location.
  • Affordable pricing - Our full-service streaming video encoding rates are under $100. There are no other ongoing fees or charges of any kind.
  • Subcontracting source - If you're a website developer yourself looking for a way to add video to one of your customer's websites, we'll extend you our same low rates and prompt service.

To add streaming video to your website or Corporate Intranet, simply send us your Mini-DV, Hi-8, Beta, Umatic, VHS or S-VHS video clips using our mail-in video submission form. Please call us at 800-707-8511 or e-mail us at if you have any questions.

streaming video tech supportNo Expensive Hardware or Server Software Is Required

Depending upon the volume of simultaneous video streams you'd like to broadcast, you may not even need a dedicated video server or even one of Microsoft's software server packages. On our own website for example, we don't use a dedicated video server or any of the Microsoft server software systems to stream our videos. Please feel free to call us at 630-690-7611 if you'd like to discuss whether you can use the Windows Media - Microsoft NetShow format without any additional hardware or software.

The Windows Media - NetShow format is probably the most complex of the streaming video formats available in that it allows codec independence. Unless you're into audio and video in a very big way, these technical aspects which differentiate the Windows Media - NetShow format from both Real Video and Vivo aren't of much interest. For a complete information about the Windows Media format and the server options which you can purchase, please visit their website.


Watch Our Own Windows Media Productions

We currently use the Windows Media - Microsoft NetShow streaming video format on several of our pages and invite you to watch any of these movies at this time. To speed up your search, follow these links to our pages which display our own NetShow presentations:

Please note that we have recently spun off this section of our site to a new stand-alone URL at:

Technology Improvements & Upgrade Price Protection

Real Video and Windows Media are constantly improving the quality of their streaming video encoding and player products. Real Networks, for example is now in their 8th version and Windows Media is in their 7th version in only 5 years. Over time, this has resulted in higher quality audio and video. At some point in the future, you may want your videos re-encoded using newer technology which delivers higher quality playback. To protect our customers from the high cost of having us re-encode their videos, and to insure that our customers can always have state of the art streaming video available on their sites, we guarantee to re-encode your original videos using the latest technology available at 50% of what you originally paid. This offer applies only to the original videos we encoded, using the same format and same speed selections and is good for five years from the date of your original order. CyberTech Media was the first company in the streaming media industry, and to the best of our knowledge, we're still the only company to offer this protection to our customers.

More Information About Streaming Video

For additional information and actual demonstrations of streaming video, don't forget to visit these pages or our new site at

When you're ready to visit with us about including streaming video presentations on your web site, please call us at 630-690-7611 or E-mail us at

We also do video conversions for web developers.


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