Making Bulk E-mail Sizzle

Streaming video used in conjunction with a targeted e-mail campaign can produce big results. Before you finalize your plans with a bulk-e-mail vendor or any of the targeted list rental companies, make sure you understand how you can dramatically increase your response rates using this simple trick. Remember, the following movie is meant for higher speed Internet connections. If you're not connected to the Internet at 56K or above, please watch our lower bandwidth version of this movie instead.

Press the start button in the lower right corner of the screen to start the movie.

Return to the previous page to see this presentation in either Real Video or Windows Media (formerly Microsoft NetShow) formats, or move forward to other pages containing VivoActive movies:

When you're ready to visit with us about including web video presentations on your site, please call us at 630-690-7611 or E-mail us at

We also do video conversions for web developers.


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